Imme Buijlinckx
Experienced eating disorder coach and dietician
After struggling for years with an eating disorder and a disturbed relationship with food, I had become completely alienated from my own body and thoughts. I did what others thought would be 'right' and ate as little as possible. I didn't dare trust my body; a calorie counter seemed to know better what my body needed.
During my process I learned to feel again, get into my body and claim my space. I did this through various methods, such as mindfulness, yoga, dance and the support of many dear friends around me. This has deepened my awareness and helped me reconnect with my feelings and the things that really matter .
Life isn't better if I weigh this or look like this. I'm alive now and I want to make the most of it. Life is so much more beautiful now that I accept myself and take good care of myself, I wish that for everyone.
Are you curious about how I could help you?

My education
Helicon MBO
Wellness and lifestyle training
During this training I learned about nutrition, coaching, personal training and massage.
Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences
Nutrition & dietetics
During this training I further specialized as a dietician. What happens to food in our body and how do diseases arise? The coaching/treatment part has also been a major part of the training.
Minor in meaning-oriented work
Minor II Global Awareness: Project in South Africa
ISA power
ISA power coach training
Various methods such as voice dialogue, systemic work, breathing exercises, body scan and meditations.
Various courses
MBSR mindfulness training
Basic relaxation massage course
Basic Hot Stone Massage course
Interview training listening with space - Radboud UMC
Communication training - Intenza
6-week Microdosing course - Microdosing Institute